If you have rats in your home, it’s important to get effective rat control in place as soon as possible. Getting rid of rats in the quickest and most effective way should be done by a professional pest control company.
Rat plague
Rats are not travelers. Once they have found a good hiding place with enough food and water, they stay there and reproduce quickly. So it’s not just one rat there, normally they are many. Rats caused hygienic situations, gnawing damage, and psychological damage. Rats are something to get rid of and you have to fight quickly, so you have to do it. Many people are afraid of rats and they lie awake at night.
Do it yourself or have it treated?
That depends on the pest size. It’s slim always to have a professional appearance. There are several ways to catch rats. Your eco-friendly way of you is using a rat trap and/or rat poison.
Is DIY a good idea?
You can use traps or different types of poisons in several locations in your home or office, or you can use ultrasound as a control method too, however, no studies have proven all of these above methods.
How to prevent rats from coming back?
The below tips can help you prevent rats from coming back:
– Seal holes larger than two inches (with mesh);
– Throw away food immediately and keep the trash can closed;
– Close your compost heap, preferably also odor-proof;
– Prune the area, don’t let the rats get to the roof through a branch;
– Rats do not like the smell of white spirit, cayenne pepper, chamomile, and mint. although it will not prevent 100% rat infestation it is a good idea to spread this scent at your home or office exits.
Professional Rat Control:
The easiest and most reliable way is and remains to call in a professional company. CCS environmental has professional experts who know exactly where the rats eat and drink, build their nests, and know their walking routes. Therefore, our professional pest control team does quickly locate a place and the problem original rat problem. Professionals use rat poison and rat traps. Especially when it comes to a large coat they use the rat clamp in combination with rat poison. Save yourself time, money, and effort, and call in our professional rat exterminator.
Preventing Rat Infestations:
Not only our team can help you exterminate and kill rate in your home or office (check our rat treatment process), but it also prevents a rat infestation in the future. Call us today to help you terminate this problem once in for all.
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